
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Wardrobe Malfunction

Hey y'all,

    I went to the tire center to get new tires for our car... Always so fun. Not. While I was waiting, I decided to walk around and look at all the clothes I will never be able to afford or fit into and it dawned on me.

    I am simple. Basic. Boring.

    My sense of "style" is jeans and a comfy t-shirt. If I can keep an outfit under 15 bucks, I'm happy... If I can use the same pair of pants or shirt for multiple outfits... I am a happy camper. I think the most I have ever spent on a single item of day to day clothing was 40 bucks... But it was buy one get one free. So it wasn't too bad.

    The most expensive clothing item that I do own is my wedding dress, and the dress that I went to the holiday party for Trent's ship. Wedding Dress: $450, Holiday Party: $75. Still within what I consider to be a decent price range for what they were.

    I also noticed that the little girl's section and the junior's section were pretty  much the same... Other than the color schemes anyway. I don't know about you, but when I do have my own daughters, I don't want them dressing that way. There isn't a reason for them to be dressing like that when they are so young. Modesty is a good thing. I have never in my life seen so many elementary school age girls dress the way they do... I just want to throw sweatpants and t shirts at all of them!

    All in all, I would love for What Not to Wear to come raid my closet and get me a whole new wardrobe. That would be fantastic.

    What is your go to outfit for a lazy day? Let me know in the comments below!


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