DIY Galaxy Shoes:
- Paint/Sponge Brushes
- Acrylic Paint
-Light Purple
-White - Canvas Sneakers (I got mine from Walmart for about $7)
- Tape
- Waterproofing Spray (Optional)
1. Start by taking your painfully boring shoes and taking the laces out. This keeps the laces nice and pretty. Then you will want to take tape, (I only had masking tape on hand and it's a pain... I used Scotch tape the second time around, and it worked a lot better. But I would recommend painters tape), and go around the edge of your shoe to keep it nice and clean. Then you will want to take a sponge paint brush and start with your darkest color and start to form your "galaxies".
2. Next, you will take one of your lighter colors, in this case I used a bright blue color, and start blending it along that black edge you made. Make sure to get both sides of your black line! After you have put your blue where it needs to be, move on to purple and follow the same steps as you did with the blue. The last color I used was a light pink to be the center of my galaxy.
3. Once I was happy with how it was blended together, I started adding the stars with white paint. Make sure to bunch up more of your stars in the lighter sections, and then spacing them out as you get into the darker areas. (Puns! I love them!) If you have waterproofind spray, spray your shoes down (THE TAPE IS STILL ON THE SHOE! It will discolor white shoes into a nasty putrid yellow color.), and let them completely dry in a well ventilated area.
4. Ta-Da! You now have out of this world sneaks!
If you follow this tutorial, post pictures of your shoes! I love seeing people be creative!
December 14, 2014
So this will be where I post my latest DIY (Do-It-Yourself) projects that I have done. :) I love doing DIY projects. I guess that would make me a crafty person... and I am totally fine by that. One of the things that I am going to share is my laundry soap!
You read that right. No need to adjust your computer screen, I make my own laundry soap. No this isn't something that I created on my own... I couldn't take credit for such genius... I got the recipe for my laundry soap here. I spent maybe $30 dollars in total and made my first batch of it September of 2013 and split the batch (5 gallon bucket worth) between my Mommy and myself. My Mommy has about 10 people in her home at any given time, and her laundry soap lasted for approx. 7 months. Whereas myself, with it being just my husband and myself, I still haven't run out of my first batch... So... It lasts a LONG time and it totally works!
Homemade Laundry Soap Recipe:
- 5-Gallon Bucket
- 2 Trash Bags
- 3 Fels Naptha Bars
- 1 Box Arm & Hammer Washing Soda
- 1 Box Arm & Hammer Baking Soda
- 1 Box 20 Mule Team Borax
- 1 Tub OxiClean Stain Remover
- 1 Bottle of Purex Crystals (Optional)
- You will want to get a cheap cheese grater and finely grate the Fels Naptha bars. This is honestly the most time consuming part... (Hint: If you have small children that are old enough to work a cheese grater without the fear of them losing fingers... this is the perfect job for them... It took me forever to grate all the fels naptha.)
- Once it's all grated and you hear the angels singing, you will need to take a 5 gallon bucket and double bag it with two trash bags. (To prevent tearing). Once you have a double bagged 5 gallon bucket, you are going to dump everything in there. Literally. Everything. If your house doesn't smell like a bottle of Pine Sol, you are doing something wrong. Haha.
- Once everything is in there, close up the bag and start man handling the bag to mix it around. Once everything is mixed up, you're done. Now all you need is to put it in your laundry room and use 2 tablespoons per 1 load of laundry.
- If you are like me, and you do not want a 5 gallon tub in your laundry room, you can find some cute containers and use that as your Laundry Soap Container! (Like I did... But this container only holds HALF of this recipe... so it definitely needs to be bigger.)
And like I said, 2 tablespoons per load. This soap is good for people who have super sensitive skin, and it smells fantastic. :)
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