
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

In the Shadow of the Mountain

Hey y'all,

    For the 10th day of this challenge, it told me to take a picture of something green. And, because I am who I am, I am taking it a step further. I am taking a picture of something green and something that meant the world to me.

    You see, Trent and I never had a honeymoon. We got engaged and 9 months later were married so that I could move with him. Add to it the fact that we have moved 2 times in a year and a half of marriage, and we really don't have the time or the funds to go and do something fun and crazy. 

    Well, during Trent's holiday leave, he surprised me and signed us up for a tour of the island. We went all the way around and saw some absolutely beautiful landscapes and scenery. 

    The picture above was taken at a macadamia nut farm. It was in the shadow of that huge mountain, and everything was so green. There were even wild roosters and hens walking around. They had the best macadamia nuts I have ever had. The locals there were beyond friendly and I was completely and totally content and happy. We did this trip on New Years Eve, and it was so wonderful.

    What is one thing that you and your spouse have done that just left you feeling loved and content?



  1. It's totally beautiful on the windward side of the island isn't it? I love it over there!!!! I want to move around that area before we leave.

    Is it nerdy if I say we just like to play video games with each other or travel with each other? We like to explore new places like here and just see what there is to see. we hope to instill that in our little guy as well.

    1. Dina,

      It is absolutely gorgeous on the windward side. :) So very different from the other that it takes your breath away and you feel like you have been teleported to another time!

      And nope! I would say not nerdy. Haha. It's what Trent and I normally do when he is home. :) Lot's of video games and cuddles.

      Congrats on the little one! I have terrible baby fever! (I guess that's what happens when a ship either comes home or is leaving haha) I have no doubt that you will give your little guy the travel bug as well as that relaxed, "I wanna play video games and veg out" bug. haha




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