
Monday, February 9, 2015

Happy Days

Hey y'all!
    So today, I want to talk about RadioShack. Why you may ask? Because I worked there for a little over a year and a half, and I learned a thing or two about what it means to be a part of RadioShack.
    1. They really don't care about their employees. At all. I can't tell you how many times I worked my butt off while a manager or other employees went and relaxed in the back. I also can't begin to tell you how many times people were hired that had no idea what the difference between a resistor and a motor was.
    2. If they don't care about their employees, then they REALLY don't care about their customers. Yes, we plaster on a smile and ask you how your day is going. And for the most part, it was the highlight of my day when someone would tell me about life outside of my prison.
    3. They sold cell phones. That's literally about how much we are able to help. Yes, you may have purchased your phone at RadioShack, but if you have a problem two months down the road... We are super limited in what we can do.
    4. The stores are empty. A lot. And you can tell just by the recent events. Like, how RadioShack is going out of business.
    5. Any person who was at one time a RadioShack employee knows how I feel when I say I have been waiting for this day. The day RadioShack falls to the ground.
    6. If you're looking for parts... Go online. They're cheaper there. Even after shipping.
    I have a lot of disdain for RadioShack. But I can give them this much, they gave me the first job where I was absolutely miserable. Nothing like a lack of management skills and no help even when it's asked for.
    So peace out RadioShack. You had a good run.

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