
Monday, February 16, 2015

The Sound of Music

Hey y'all,

    So, it's President's Day! It's also my Papa's Birthday! So, Happy Birthday Papa! Did you know that President's Day was originally was to honor George Washington and Abraham Lincoln's birthday? But now, it's to celebrate the lives of our Presidents.

    But I am cleaning my house and getting organized. We had some of our furniture break on the move out here, and I am tired of having to fight my dresser to get to my clothes. So I broke down the dresser and bought stock in clothes hangers. The look on the cashiers face was priceless. Haha.

    While I clean, I love listening to music. It makes it relatively fun and seems to go by a lot faster when I am dancing and singing along. Trent loves it. He says it brings out his inner child. My response to that? Good. Means our life together shall be glorious and fun! 

    Anyway, I have a very eclectic taste in music. I think I can boil it down to the beat. If there is a good beat, I don't care what genre it is Actually, I dislike screamo and most death metal... But if there is a good beat and doesn't fall into those categories, I am a happy camper. 

    What is your favorite genre? band? song? Let me know in the comments!


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