
Saturday, February 7, 2015

My Best Friend

Hey y'all!

    I want to talk about the beautiful woman in the photo below. No, I don't want to talk about me, I want to talk about that woman that I have been through Hell and back with. I want to tell you about my best friend.

    This woman and I have been best friends since 7th grade. Which, when I think about it, I have absolutely no idea how we worked out to be such fantastic friends. I was the quiet orchestra chick that stuck to a routine, and she is the one that you want to go with a party and drink with.

    God and the Universe put us together and it took me years before I figured out why. It took our second year of college when it finally clicked. You see, in life you meet a whole different variety of people. You get a taste for each kind of person and you like and dislike various traits. But every blue moon, you meet someone that you kinda click with. Where you find that your brain waves are singing some "Jack and Diane". 

    I have been through so much with this beautiful woman. Her and I have helped each other when we have been at our lowest, and have had some serious fun when we were at our highest. The photo I chose was before I got married... Why I chose it is because this woman took a chance and could have ended up arrested, but didn't. Why you ask? Well, you know the saying when you get married? Something New, Something Old, Something Borrowed, Something Blue? Well one of my Something's was my garter and it decided to go missing as I was getting dressed. (I ended up finding it like, two days later.) What did my best friend do? Drove 80 mph to get me a new one, and still made it back with plenty of time to spare.

    I would kill for her. We have laughed, we have cried, we have screamed, and we have put up with the most insane shenanigans that you could possibly think of. But I know without any shred of doubt, that if I needed her or she needed me, we would be there for each other. That's what best friends are supposed to do. Hell, that's what SISTERS are supposed to do. And I couldn't be more grateful to have her in my life.

    Love you Gorgeous George!


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