
Saturday, January 10, 2015

Oh No!

Hey y'all,

    So woke up this morning to discover that Stanley the Betta Fish has developed Fin Rot. Fin Rot is: 
"Fin rot can be the result of a bacterial infection (Pseudomonas fluorescens, which causes a ragged rotting of the fin), or as a fungal infection (which rots the fin more evenly and is more likely to produce a white 'edge'). Sometimes, both types of infection are seen together. Infection is commonly brought on by bad water conditions, injury, poor diet, or as a secondary infection in a fish which is already stressed by other disease." - Wikipedia
     So this is the picture that we showed to our Local Fish Store to determine if we were nuts or not. 

    It's hard to tell, but his back two fins shouldn't have that space there. Also to note the white edge that almost outlines the fins.... Shouldn't be there. He has gotten a lot of his color back in the last month that we have had him, but it looks like it's that "one step forward, two steps back" thing again.

    So, we have our pretty boy in quarantine in his small 1 liter tank with 2 drops of Betta Revive in it.

    He isn't too pleased with being in his smaller isolation tank, but It's going to make him better after the next 3 days. Once the three days are over, he goes back in his big tank where we have cleaned and put in some special medicine that is a little bit more long term to kill off any of the remaining bacteria in the tank that our cleaning didn't take care of. So, hopefully, our beautiful boy starts to feel better soon.

    Anyway, so Trent told me that we will be moving in the June/July area to South Carolina! If you have any tips, tricks, or ideas on how to make the move seamless seeing that Trent won't be here for it so I am kinda on my own. (Although I do have a moving buddy!)


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