I am beyond grateful to receive this award from Aly @ http://worldaccordingtoaly.blogspot.com
The Rules of the Liebster Award are as follows:
1. Thank/link the person who nominated you
2. Answer the questions from your nominator
3. Nominate 11 bloggers who have less than 200 followers (link them)
4. Create 11 new questions for your nominees
5. Notify your nominees through social media/blogs.
The Rules of the Liebster Award are as follows:
1. Thank/link the person who nominated you
2. Answer the questions from your nominator
3. Nominate 11 bloggers who have less than 200 followers (link them)
4. Create 11 new questions for your nominees
5. Notify your nominees through social media/blogs.
The questions I received from the wonderful Aly are as follows:
1. What is something you feel strongly about?
~I feel strongly about being a very good person. That means, at least to me, that I stay educated, kind, understanding, patient, humble, and follow the word of God as I see fit.
2. Something you always think "what if" about
~ I always think "what if" about all those "grown up" things that can happen. Pregnancy, illness, losing something, and forgetting anything. Haha.
3. Five weird things about you
~ I swear I am more mature than most people my age. I love Cranberry juice. I play quite a few instruments. I think I am pretty creative. I don't have any patience for anyone that doesn't do everything they can to protect their children or spouse.
4. How you hope your future will be like
~ I hope that I have a child (or children) to call my own and raise to be decent members of society. I hope to be able to spend more time with Trent and family. I hope that the world gets out of this violent slump it seems to have been in...
5. Something you are proud of
~ The one thing I am most proud of, would be when people tell me that I am just like my Mommy. (Yes, I am 23 years old. Yes I will and do still call her Mommy)
6. Where you'd like to be in 10 years.
~ Hopefully in a house that I am not renting and can decorate to my taste. :D
7. If you had a million dollars what would you do with it?
~Pay off my parent's mortgage, pay off student loans, and pay off a new car and a new house for Trent and myself. (Whether or not it would actually cover this.... Don't care. haha)
8. A moment you were most satisfied with your life
~I would have to say that I am most satisfied with life when I have the husband home and we are just sitting on the couch and enjoying each other's company. :)
9. Hobbies and interests?
~ My hobbies include: Drawing, creating, crafting, crochet, cooking, reading, and blogging when I remember to do it. :)
10. Five pet peeves
~ Five Pet Peeves: People who treat you like garbage, Disrespectful children, the smell of spaghetti sauce the day after it's cooked, Trent's socks being under the coffee table every day, and People who take my generosity and kindness for granted.
11. There wasn't an 11th one provided, so I will ask a question: What do I enjoy blogging about?
~ Day to day life and current events mostly. :)
My Nominees:
1. Rachel @ http://www.feathersandpaper.tumblr.com/
2. Monica @ http://www.hooah-milso.tumblr.com/
3. Johanna @ http://www.girlintheleopardprintpants.com/
4. Jessica @ http://crazyadventuresofjessica.blogspot.com/
5. Greta @ http://livelaughcupcakeshi.tumblr.com/
Those are the only blogs that I know of. Please comment below if you have a blog! :)
My questions:
1. What's your view on being a military spouse?
2. What is one thing that you love the most about your Husband/Wife?
3. How do you pass the time when they aren't home?
4. What is your favorite recipe to make?
5. How do you decompress after a stressful day?
6. What is your latest makeup obsession?
7. What is your go to hair-do for day to day life?
8. Favorite Color?
9. What has been the most stressful part of your married life thus far?
10. What do you enjoy blogging about?
11. What is your favorite healthy snack?