It's midnight, and I. Can. Not. Sleep. I am just super antsy and tense. I hate it. But, it's a part of that "Pre-Separation" process. Yay for moving. Yay Navy... Anyway, this is going to be a babbling brook of nonsense to try to quiet the cacophony of things running through my head. Maybe then I can sleep? Who knows.
I mean, it could have something to do with the ginormous thing of sweet tea I made today.... Psh. No. Sweet Tea cures everything. Right? I am going to be making baby blankets for a few friends of mine. It's definitely making my baby fever crazy intense. But, like the husband keeps reminding me, "We have a plan." I swear, if I hear that one more time I may punch him in the kidney. Even though I know he is right. #TheStruggle.
That's another thing that I constantly think about or worry about... What if I am not a good parent? What if I screw it up? I have this idea of what I want my future children to have. The lessons I want them to teach them... Gah. I know that I shouldn't be stressing about it, but I am... I have always wanted to be a mother... One day... One day...
Also, might I add, I might be absolutely bonkers. I spent a few hours today researching how to ship/fly with Stanley when we move. It's crazy, right? I ended up finding out that the only way we could take him with us would be to ship him. So I will have to talk to the husband and see if he thinks I'm nuts...
We are going to be going to the beach and I promise to take a ton of photos and post them in here. :)
I have to confess something that I have been harboring for a while....
I hate Hawaii.
Really, I do. I can't stand it. Here are 5 reasons behind my feeling about this dinky rock out in the middle of the Pacific.
- Once you have been to all the beaches, been to the plantation, been to all the tourist-y tourist spots.... What left is there to do?
- The "Aloha Spirit" that you hear about wherever you go... I have two words for you: Semantic Satiation. If you don't know what that is, it's a psychological phenomenon in which repetition causes a word or phrase to temporarily lose meaning for the listener, who then perceives the speech as repeated meaningless sounds.
- Traffic all the time no matter where you go.
Those are the things that have stacked up over and over until I decided that Hawaii is like that smokin hot babe at the gym that you would give your left arm to talk to, only to find out that she has about the same amount of personality as a box of rocks.
It really makes me miss home. Arizona is beautiful. I miss the heat, I miss the wide open roads, I miss the grid system... I miss being able to go see my family. This chica is seriously homesick.
Although I am beyond excited to go to the next duty station: South Carolina or Bust! If y'all would like, I can take pictures and show you how I put together my PCS binder. :) It is such a life saver to have all those important documents in one spot... Especially if you are going all the way across the USA like we will be. Haha.
What are some moving tips that you do that work well for you?